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  • your use of the website is at your sole risk. The Website and services are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. To the maximum extent permitted by law and without limiting clause 2.2, PNG Trade Center disclaims and excludes all implied conditions or warranties, including, but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement;
  • PNG Trade Center does not warrant that i) the services provided will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free, or ii) that any information (including feedback) provided on the Website is error-free or reliable;
  • no advice or information that is obtained by you from PNG Trade Center or anyone else shall create any warranty by PNG Trade Center that is not expressly stated in the terms and conditions; and
  • responsibility for the content of advertisements appearing on this Website (including hyperlinks to advertisers' own websites) rests solely with the advertisers. The placement of such advertisements on the Website does not constitute PNG Trade Center's recommendation or endorsement of the advertised product or service. Each advertiser is solely responsible for any representation made in connection with its advertisement.
  • while PNG Trade Center may facilitate payment for some items by credit card, PNG Trade Center is in no way involved in the transaction itself, and responsibility for any refund rests with the seller.